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اخر اصدار من برنامج الخرائط المصغرة للجوال Mobile Gmaps v 1.22 beta
يتيح لك هذا البرنامج استطلاع الخرائط المصغرة الموجودة على الانترنت من google maps, yahoo maps و MSN virtual earth
الاضافات الجديدة في هذا الاصدار:
Mobile GMaps now supports Yahoo! Maps. I consider this to be a minor improvement, since they use the same data as Google Maps, and are available only for the U.S. and Canada. MGMaps performs all searches using Google Maps, regardless of the current map displayed.
Map modes are now called map types (I think it sounds better). You can switch between a subset of map types using the 0 key.
Some extended shortcuts were added: 9-0 switches map types (modes) in reverse order, and 9-6 bookmarks the current position.
Fixed migrating bookmarks and settings from v1.1x
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.: عدد زوار الموقع :.